Turning 40: Growth, Identity, and the Journey

May the fourth be with me.

Today I am turning 40 years old, and it’s a moment that prompts contemplation and reflection. From what I’ve read, I am supposed to feel different today. A profound inner transformation, an awakening to maturity, or perhaps the realization of age creeping upon me. But as I stand on this milestone, I find the reality to be both nuanced and familiar.

It’s cliché, and everyone says it, but I genuinely don’t feel 40. What does 40 even feel like? Sure, I’ve got the aches and pains that come with time, and my nights aren’t as restful as they once were. But these are merely whispers of age rather than defining characteristics. In society’s view, 40 is often seen as a precipice, a significant divide between youth and “middle age.” There’s an expectation of wisdom, gravitas, or perhaps a sense of loss for the youthful days gone by. Yet those stereotypes feel disconnected from my reality.

Turning 40

Instead, what I find as I turn 40 is a continuity of self, a continuation rather than a departure from my earlier years. My passions, lessons, and curiosities are as alive as ever, forming a thread of experience that weaves through my life. Rather than a dramatic seismic shift, turning 40 feels like stepping deeper into myself. It’s an acknowledgement of growth. A celebration of challenges and triumphs, and the realization that the number itself is far less significant than the life it represents.

To me, age is personal, multifaceted, and fluid. And turning 40 doesn’t come with a predefined script; it’s simply a new chapter in an ongoing story.

Turning 40: An Ode to My 30’s
Woman laughing for turning 40

I remember, being in my late 20’s when turning 30 was hyped up to be something monumental. But when the time came for me, I didn’t celebrate in any grand way, and honestly, my previous birthdays were barely a blip on the radar. That thought, “Oh boy, 30 I am turning that,” did cross my mind though, and then life just went on as usual. 

Now, reflecting on my 30s, I realise that they were something else—truly a unique blend of amazing and tough times, marked by some unexpected growth. In the past decade, I’ve peeled back layers of myself, shaping how I see the world and even redefining what home means. Home shifted from being just the place where I was born to the spot where my heart feels at ease and happy. It’s kind of fascinating how a simple age can spark so much thought. But sometimes, it turns out, it’s not the number itself that matters; it’s the journey that tags along with it.

Embracing the Journey
Nillah walking on the road matching forward

So, As I step into this new decade, I do so with gratitude and excitement. I’m ready to continue this journey, knowing that age is not just a number but a reflection of who I’ve become.

Here’s to the next decade. May it be filled with even more growth, wisdom, and happiness. The societal definitions of these milestones are secondary to the personal meaning we find in them. And I look forward to discovering what this new decade will reveal.

The 40s are just another chapter, filled with promise and potential. Age hasn’t defined me in the past, and I won’t let it start now. Here’s to embracing the journey, wherever it may lead!

To the ’40s!

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