How to Remove Stress from Your Life and Cultivate Happiness

There’s no doubt that lately, life has felt like a rollercoaster of stress for many of us, hasn’t it? Everywhere you look, it’s all about demands, challenges, and the fast pace of today’s world. It’s enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed. But hold on, it doesn’t have to be a never-ending cycle of gloom and doom. Through some trial and error, a bit of reflection, and even a touch of creativity, I’ve found some simple but effective ways to find peace, joy, and balance, even when life’s curveballs come our way. It’s about getting to know yourself, finding those small joys that make you smile, taking a moment to breathe, and focusing on what really matters in life. So, let’s dive into what I’ve learned, with personal stories and strategies that have helped me keep stress at bay. I hope they’ll inspire and guide you too, as we all navigate this wild ride called life.

Embrace a Hobby

There was a time when I didn’t really have hobbies. That tricky period was the time between my high school and college years. While in high school I lived and breathed being in the school choir. Being a choir member was a stress relief.  So when my high school years were over, I didn’t know what else to do to tackle stress when I encountered it. The only outlet was crying myself to sleep while rerunning seems of how life has been unfair to me. Not healthy at all.  In college, I joined the drama club which was a big help in times of stress. But as a fully-fledged adult after college years and encountering periods of career-related stresses, I had to find something else to occupy my mind. The good news is, being an adult you can find a job, make your own money and try various activities until you find something that can truly distract you from stress. I have found cooking and travelling very therapeutic. And of course the occasional hiking. These not only have helped as creative outlets but have also allowed self-expression and relaxation.

Exercise Regularly

I’ll be the first to confess that before my mid-20s, exercise and I were mere acquaintances. My lifestyle was sedentary, and my diet? Let’s just say it wasn’t winning any health awards. But when I moved abroad and stress started piling up, I knew something had to change. So, I took a chance at the gym, and it turned out to be a game-changer. The mental benefits were immediate, giving me a fresh perspective on life. Whether it was a brisk walk or an intense gym session, the release of those “feel-good” endorphins became my new stress relief. It wasn’t just about getting fit; it was about finding balance and energy to face life’s challenges. During stress, it can be tempting to wallow in self-pity. But dwelling on the negative won’t change anything. Try exercising at home, at the park, go for a run. If you’re not the disciplined type, just going to the gym when you’re not motivated, the environment alone will motivate you. So I highly recommend exercising. It’s a proactive step towards a healthier, happier you.

Travel and Explore

I’ve often been told that I spend too much on travel. To that, I say, “Please mind your business.” Why? Because I travel for me. I travel because it brings joy, fulfilment, and a fresh perspective. A change of scenery isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity that rejuvenates the mind. If you didn’t know, exploring new places and cultures breaks the monotony and offers a refreshing escape from daily stress. Travelling adds vibrant colours to the canvas of life, helping you see things in a different light and appreciate the simple pleasures. It’s more than a hobby; it’s a way to embrace life, let go of stress, and nourish the soul. So I’d say, whenever you can, travel, travel and travel some more. It’s not just a journey to a destination; it’s a journey towards better mental well-being. Read about my last travel

Set Realistic expectations

I have to say, being a first-born child, I grew up with high expectations from society and, in turn, expected the same from others. But I learned a valuable lesson: high expectations can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. These days, I approach people and situations with more realistic expectations. By not expecting too much, I avoid disappointment and the stress that comes with it. If things don’t go as planned, I simply say, “Oh well,” and move on. Interestingly, setting lower standards can sometimes lead to pleasant surprises when results exceed expectations. For me, this approach has been a key to maintaining balance and boosting well-being. It’s about managing expectations wisely and embracing life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience.

Read and Educate Yourself

When I can’t hit the road and travel, I find solace in reading, watching vlogs, or diving into documentaries. It’s like a mini-vacation for the mind. Ever had that “A-ha” moment when something just clicks? That’s the joy of learning. Whether it’s a new recipe for your favourite cake or a podcast that sheds light on a fascinating topic, knowledge has a way of lifting spirits. It’s not just about filling your head with facts; it’s about sparking curiosity and trying out new things. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love the excitement of experimenting with something new? There’s a world of blogs, vlogs, and content out there, ready to engage and calm your mind. So go ahead, explore, and let learning be your new adventure. It’s good for the soul and even better for stress relief. 

Avoid Unnecessary Pressure

I confess, that I was once a people pleaser, always saying yes, even when I knew I’d end up in situations that stressed me out. Ever found yourself at a party, plotting your escape route instead of enjoying the moment? I’ve been there. But over time, I learned the power of saying no without feeling guilty. It’s not about being a bad friend, family member, or co-worker; it’s about recognising what’s right for me. Putting my well-being first doesn’t mean I’m selfish; it means I understand what makes me happy and what doesn’t. And that’s perfectly okay. Protecting mental well-being is essential, and by not taking on more than I can handle, I keep stress at bay. It’s a lesson in self-care that I highly recommend. After all, we’re all the best judges of what will or won’t stress us out, and honouring that is a sign of strength.

Indulge and Treat Yourself

There’s nothing better than treating yourself to something special when you need a pick-me-up. I recall a time when I was feeling down, and a night of fine dining turned my mood around. The flavours, the ambience – it was a celebration of life. Another time, a pair of shoes seemed to whisper my name from the store window. I hesitated but then thought, “Why not?” That purchase was a joyful treat to me. Now, I’m not advocating for buying that yellow Lamborghini on a whim (unless you can!). But these thoughtful indulgences, whether a special meal or a cherished item, are more than extravagances; they’re reminders to celebrate yourself. They’re about recognising your worth and taking a moment to enjoy life’s pleasures. It’s a lesson in self-love that I’ve come to value, and it’s a practice I highly recommend. Sometimes, a little indulgence is the perfect remedy for the soul.

Listen to Music

I don’t know about you, but when I feel low or stressed out, I tend to avoid sad songs. Even though science might say otherwise, for me, sad music only reinforces what I’m feeling. Instead, I blast up songs that reinforce the strengths in me. You know, songs like “Stronger” by Britney Spears, “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child, and “Glass of Water” by Coldplay – a song that’s about life being half full rather than empty. I could go on and on, but the list is too long. I’ll write another post in the future regarding the music that gets me out of stress and sadness. For now, be content with just these examples. But funny enough, I tend to listen to sad music when I’m happy, and they usually hit differently. Music, in its many forms, can be a powerful tool to lift our spirits and remind us of our inner strength. Whether it’s an upbeat anthem or a reflective melody, finding the right tune for the moment can be a simple yet profound way to shift our mood and perspective

So, what’s the takeaway?

Stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to take over. The ideas I’ve shared here aren’t just about getting through the day; they’re about enjoying life and finding balance. Whether it’s a hobby, exercise, travel, or just treating yourself now and then, these strategies are about living well. Stay positive, take care of yourself, and remember that a happy, healthy life is within reach. It’s a path worth exploring, and the rewards are a more peaceful and contented you.