Reasons Everyone Must Do Solo Travel At Least Once

A woman relaxes in a chair by the sunny beach, enjoying a tranquil solo vacation surrounded by nature's beauty.

Single or otherwise, happy or unhappy, there are numerous reasons why individuals opt for solo travel.

A few years back, before Franco and I met Frank, I went on several solo holidays. I went on staycations alone, travelled locally solo, and even ventured to Europe as a tourist, all by myself. During each excursion, I discovered a growing fondness for solo travel. While it was initially challenging to navigate without a companion, I found joy in the experience and developed a deeper appreciation for my own company. Additionally, each trip taught me valuable lessons along the way.

Today, reports indicate a rising trend in solo vacations, with a 2023 study revealing that 3 out of every 10 individuals have gone on solo holiday trips. This shift signifies a departure from the past, where solo travel was often viewed as unconventional, to now being embraced as a mainstream choice. Positively reflecting changing attitudes towards independent travel experiences.

The decision to travel solo has been one of the most impactful choices I’ve ever made. It’s not just about checking off destinations on a bucket list; it’s a multi-faceted learning experience. If you’re considering such an adventure, here’s a deeper dive into the invaluable lessons I’ve learned.

A beautiful woman sitting on the hull of a ship, looking out at the vast ocean, enjoying the sea breeze.

You will become More Confident

Solo travel is an absolute confidence booster.


I once found myself at a destination wedding where I knew absolutely no one, except the bride. It felt daunting as she was occupied most of the day, leaving me feeling a bit isolated and shy. But I couldn’t just be there without talking to anybody.  So I challenged myself to strike up conversations with strangers, who surprisingly I found out, that they actually don’t bite. And another time was when I took a solo beach vacation abroad – 6-hour-flight away. It felt liberating to realise that there’s nothing wrong with planning, and telling people that you are going on a seaside vacation alone. To push my boundaries further, I intentionally booked tables for one at nice restaurants and visited pubs to enjoy a drink by myself each day. While this might seem unconventional to some, it was a deeply empowering experience for me. It not only reaffirmed my independence but also showed me that I can enjoy my own company and be comfortable in various social settings. Meeting people who admired my independence further reinforced my confidence and helped me appreciate the value of authenticity.

What I learned along the way was, that when travelling alone,  you’re getting out of your comfort zone. You will face challenges like planning an itinerary yourself, booking accommodations, communicating in a foreign language, and even exploring new remote destinations independently. Not forgetting things like missing flights or getting lost in some unfamiliar place. These experiences will all contribute to a heightened sense of confidence when you successfully overcome them — building resilience and self-assurance.

You Get to Know Yourself Better

 When you travel alone, you have the freedom to go to places, join activities and try out experiences that truly resonate with you. Without the need to compromise with other people’s preferences or cater to their interests, you can focus solely on what captivates you. This opens up a realm of self-exploration where you can uncover new passions, hobbies, and aspects of yourself that you may not have realised before. Without the distraction of having other people with you around, you will be able to dive deeper into your own thoughts and emotions, gaining a clearer understanding of who you are and the things that bring you joy. Because most of the time, we have been taught to love things others have introduced to us. But the way I look at is, it’s that rare chance for you to break away from the influences of external opinions. When you’re not influenced by what society expects, you can really find and embrace what’s truly you. This is similar to how shopping alone lets you express your style without others’ opinions. Likewise, travelling alone lets you be yourself without outside pressures, helping you understand who you are and what you love.

You Have The Absolute Freedom
A stylish woman relaxes poolside at a resort, wearing a classic Panama hat, comfortable flat sandals, and carrying a large, vibrant orange boho bag. The tranquil scene is enhanced by the lush greenery of palm trees framing the entrance to the resort building.

©Rachel Claire / Pexels

Isn’t it frustrating when you’re on vacation and have to wake up early for plans, but all you want is to sleep in and head to the beach later? And if there is anything the pandemic has taught us in the past few years, is the value of alone time. That sometimes, being by yourself, doing what you love without any distractions or compromises, is important.

When you travel alone, you have complete freedom to plan your trip however you want. You don’t have to coordinate with others or make compromises. Whether you want to spend the whole day in a museum, take a spontaneous trip to a small village, or just relax on a quiet beach, it’s totally up to you. This freedom makes your trip more authentic and enjoyable because you can fully enjoy every moment without any restrictions.

For me personally, I’m the type of person who doesn’t like to fill every moment of my trip with activities. I prefer to relax and unwind on the first day, soaking in the freshness of the journey. Then, over the next couple of days, I might engage in activities, but not until after noon. And since I’m not a morning person, the thought of waking up at 6 am while on vacation to rush to breakfast and then head off for sightseeing just seems daunting. As such, if you’re anything like me, you’ll find solo travel to be liberating as it allows the flexibility to set your own pace and prioritise self-care. Rather than following rigid schedules, you can leisurely explore new destinations, taking in each moment without feeling rushed or constrained by time.

You will Get Out of the ”Zero Grazing” Zone

Travelling solo offers the unique advantage of breaking free from the “zero grazing zone” of friendships. Think about it. In our everyday life, it’s easy to become comfortable within our social circles, sticking close to the familiar and predictable. However, when alone on a trip, you are thrust into new environments where you’re forced to interact with strangers and form connections beyond your usual circle. This breaks the monotony of only interacting with the same group of friends. And of course opens up opportunities for diverse experiences and perspectives. When you step outside of your comfort zone and engage with people from different backgrounds and cultures, you tend to broaden your perspective and social horizons. This is why occasionally when we look back at our past, we tend to think, ‘Oh boy, I can’t believe I used to think like that’

So if you’re the kind of person who’s been craving to expand your circle beyond the perimeters of familiarity, then packing your bags and holidaying solo will be the transformative journey you’ve been looking for. And especially in today’s globalised world, where boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred and connections transcend geographical distances, going on solo adventures will definitely allow you to embrace the richness of diversity and forge meaningful connections across cultures. Consequently, you will deepen your understanding of how we’re all connected to each other, enriching your life in a big way.

You Will Learn To Always Trust Your Instincts
Woman with a red backpack hiking alone  in the mountains

©Valentine Kulikov / Pexels

Ever wondered what it would be like to truly engage all your senses in the exploration of a new destination? Solo travel offers the perfect opportunity to do just that. When you venture out on your own, you’re not just sightseeing—you’re immersing yourself in a multi-sensory experience. From the vibrant colours of bustling markets in Mumbai to the tantalising aromas of street food sizzling on a grill in Jamaica, it awakens your senses in ways that group travel often can’t.

Alone, you will be allowed to fully engage with your surroundings. Creating memories that are not just visual but deeply sensory, enriching your travel experiences in profound and unforgettable ways. Additionally, your instincts are heightened, as you rely solely on your own intuition and judgment to navigate unfamiliar environments, leading to a heightened sense of awareness and self-reliance compared to when travelling with others. And as you experience all this, you will ask yourself questions whose answers may help you understand the world better.

At the end of your trip, you’ll return home with stories that truly tickle the senses, dazzle the mind, and make your friends jealous of your adventurous spirit. And, you’ll have the confidence to tackle any challenge life throws your way, armed with newfound wisdom and a killer travel tale or two!