More People Are Wearing Second-Hand Clothes — Here’s Why.

Two smiling women holding a variety of second-hand clothes in a thrift store, surrounded by racks of colourful clothing

Call it pre-loved fashion, hand-me-downs, second-hand clothing, “friperie” or simply whatever you want — the truth is, more and more people are choosing to wear what has been worn before by others. Led by Gen Z’ers, there’s growing evidence that a lot of us are heading down this path. Why? That’s the question I am trying to explore today.

Now, although this concept of shopping might seem new to some of you, it’s not for someone like me who grew up in East Africa where thrifting was and still is the order of the day. For various reasons. In fact, some of my favourite, most exciting trips to the market growing up, were on market days. Mondays and Thursdays for second-hand stalls. in Kenya we call them, Mitumba markets.

But now that the world is catching on to the magic of pre-loved fashion, it’s clear that this trend isn’t going anywhere. In fact to prove it, a 2023 report by thredUP found that, the secondhand market is expected to double in the next three years, reaching $350 billion. A reflection of a growing change in consumer behaviour when it comes to fashion choices.

So Why Are Second-hand Clothes Gaining Popularity?

Well, for starters, Gen Z is leading the charge towards this trend. They are making it clear that they want to see a sustainable fashion scene. And the only way to achieve that they are choosing second-hand clothing as their weapon of choice.

Because the way they see it —just as we’ve become more mindful of where our food comes from and the impact of our dietary choices— they’re applying that same critical eye to their closets. So no more just following trends blindly. They’re demanding transparency and sustainability from the fashion industry.

On top of that, they are acutely aware of the fashion industry’s impact on the planet. From carbon emissions to water pollution, it’s like a slow-motion fashion apocalypse and Gen Z isn’t having any of it! As such they’re are doing away with the endless cycle of cheap, disposable clothes and embracing the unique eco-friendly finds.

People are finding Their Unique Style at an Affordable Price
 A woman with an afro hairstyle wearing flared jeans and a halter top, looking into a thrift shop window displaying sale signs.

Image by Collis /Pexels

Second-hand shopping isn’t just about being eco-friendly; it’s also about finding your unique style. At an affordable price. Gen-Z or not.

And in the fast fashion world, where trends come and go in the blink of an eye, it’s easy to feel like you’re wearing the same thing as everyone else. And so more people looking for individuality are looking to shop second-hand. Thrifting means you’re opening yourself up to a world of one-of-a-kind pieces that help you stand out. Forget “who wore it better?”—they know with second-hand, it’s always you!

That’s because, the beauty of second-hand clothing lies in its variety. Thrift stores, vintage shops, and online marketplaces are treasure troves filled with a wide range of styles from different eras. Unlike fast fashion, which often churns out mass-produced items lacking in character, with second-hand clothing you have a chance to express your individuality.

And don’t forget, thrift shopping allows you to access high-quality items at a fraction of the original price. Think luxury brands, designer pieces, and well-made garments that might have been out of reach in a retail setting are suddenly within your grasp. E-he! You see it now?

There is Joy in the Hunt

You know, there’s a certain joy that comes with second-hand shopping—the thrill of the hunt. Unlike shopping in traditional retail stores, where everything is neatly organised and predictable, second-hand stores are full of surprises. Each visit is a new adventure, a chance to find something extraordinary that you never knew you needed.

Growing up in Kenya, I was practically raised in second-hand markets. For some reason, Mondays and Thursdays were the days reserved for going to Mitumba stalls like Gikomba and Toi Market. To this day, these bustling aisles – whenever I am in Kenya, are still my favourite fashion playground. Hours can melt away as you sift through piles of clothes looking for Vintage Levi’s, silk scarves with mysterious origins, even the occasional designer dress with tags still on. Heaven!

This element of surprise and discovery makes second-hand shopping far more rewarding. It’s not just about the clothes; it’s about the experience. There’s a unique sense of satisfaction that comes from unearthing a hidden gem—a piece of clothing that feels like it was made just for you.

A group of diverse people shopping for second-hand clothes together, smiling and holding various garments and accessories.

Credit: ArtSys / Adobe Stock

Even more interesting is that, every piece of second-hand clothing has a history. A Story that adds character to your wardrobe. Unlike mass-produced fast fashion items, which often feel disposable, second-hand clothes carry with them a sense of history and authenticity.

It’s A Vote for a Better World

Ethical concerns are another big factor driving people towards second-hand clothing. For years, the fashion industry has been plagued with reports of exploitative labour practices, with workers in developing countries often paid low wages and subjected to poor working conditions. Something that doesn’t sit right with an increasingly conscious consumer base. So choosing pre-worn clothing is a way to reject these unethical practices and opt for a fashion model that values people and the planet.

And this is also more about promoting a circular economy, where goods are reused and recycled rather than discarded. The result? Reducing the demand for new clothing in the end encourages a more thoughtful, conscious approach to consumption. People are also realising that, when you buy second-hand, you’re not just buying a piece of item; you’re making a statement about the kind of world you want to live in—one where sustainability and ethics are prioritised.

Celebrities Championing a Sustainable Future

Looking ahead, the second-hand market is not only expanding due to environmental consciousness but also because preloved fashion has been embraced and glamourised by celebrities and influencers.

Stars like Emma Watson, known for her sustainable red carpet looks, and Zendaya, and even Sex and the City actress Sarah Jessica Parker, who has championed vintage pieces, are leading the charge. By swapping designer items or showcasing their thrift store finds on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, these trendsetters help dismantle the stigma once associated with second-hand clothing. And it’s this cultural shift, coupled with the growing awareness of sustainability, that has propelled the global second-hand market to new heights.

Sarah Jessica Parker outside her home wardrobe

Sarah Jessica Parker / Sex & the City Star

Why You Should Join the Movement

Now, that said, if you haven’t yet explored the world of second-hand fashion, I’d say, there’s no better time to start. Not only does it offer a unique and affordable way to express your style, but it also allows you to make a positive impact on the environment and support ethical practices in the fashion industry. Who knows, you might even discover a hidden talent for bargain hunting! And trust me you will.

The best way to start is by visiting your local thrift store (charity shops) or browsing an online second-hand marketplace. You might be surprised by what you find and the stories behind each piece. And as you build your wardrobe with preloved items, you’ll not only look good but also feel good, knowing that your fashion choices are making a difference.

In a world where fast fashion has reigned supreme for so long, choosing second-hand is a bold, conscious choice. It’s a way to stand out, make a statement, and embrace a more sustainable approach to style. So, why not join the growing number of people who are making the switch? Your wardrobe—and the planet—will thank you.