6 Fashion Basics To Live By This Spring

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I’m beginning this post with a sigh of relief — phew it’s finally (mid) March! Mornings are now brighter, and the additional sunshine is genuinely uplifting my spirits. Perhaps a sign for me to start thinking about curating my outfits for the slightly lighter clothing season. As a tropical native myself, let’s face it, I am not sure Winter will ever be my cup of tea. Particularly the gloomy months of January and February — December is nice because of Christmas. And I cannot tell you how much I loathe those endless cloudy days that have us piling on clothes just to brave the cold. But since the good days of warmness are slowly but surely beginning to come through for us sun lovers – I can happily say,  it’s time to start ditching the heavy layers. Exciting, isn’t it? Now, as you think about the perfect moment to switch to your spring wardrobe and curate your fashion capsule, I am sharing this so you too can explore some general fashion basics that may help serve as your roadmap to a spring wardrobe that aligns seamlessly with your ideal personal identity goals. You are what you wear right? So let’s do it right. 

know the Difference Between Wearing and Styling

Think of it this way: how do you approach wearing the same piece of clothing when, say, you’re off to the grocery store versus when heading to work or meeting friends? For most of us, the difference often lies in the nuanced choices we make. Such as the type of shoes we decide to wear, the colour and style of the bag we carry, and the decision to embellish or simplify with accessories like jewellery or a hat. These are just some of the small details that clearly play a big role in defining the difference between just wearing your clothes and styling them. 

Running casual errands for me means, prioritising comfort. As a result, I intentionally tend choose to dress in a way that requires minimal thought. The whole point being, just to throw on some jeans and a t-shirt or some dress and not obsess over how I look. So it’s more about the functionality of my outfit. Now catch me wearing the same SAME jeans and T-shirt and ask me out for a coffee. A nice pair of heels will come out, or maybe a colour-coordinated pair of flats to match the bag I am carrying and whatnot. That’s ‘Styling’. Which essentially ends up shifting the whole narrative of the outfit – because when I step out Out, I know my outfit is my personality’s visual story – and one that goes beyond the simplicity of just wearing clothes. 

Invest in Accessories

Not all but some. Choose what makes you, feel like you and reach out for what aligns with your individual goals. Like me, don’t go for bangles if they’re not really your thing. Choose a nice watch instead or a simple bracelet. That said, it’s good to keep in mind that accessories like hats, scarves, sunglasses, etc can be the secret to transforming an outfit.

Accessories, chosen correctly, have the ability to inject a burst of your true personality into your outfit ensemble.

If you’re not really sure what accessories to get for your wardrobe, think about your persona over time and how it has been influenced by what your favourite celebrities or any famous people wear. Personally, I’ve always had a bit of a struggle in choosing the right accessories.

However, that’s encouraged me to look up to other people whose taste I admire to realise what would look good on me. And I can honestly say my love affair with wide-brim hats has blossomed because of one Joan Collins. If you’ve watched the original Dynasty series, you’ll know who I am talking about.

A stylish woma rocks classic blue jeans and white tshirt.

Joan Collins, to me, is the queen of hats. Just look at her collection of hats she recently shared on her Instagram. What a timeless style icon she is! Anyway, what I am trying to say here is, that accessories aren’t just the finishing touch. Use them as to make powerful statements about yourself. Whether it’s a bold brooch or oversized sunglasses, choose those that transform your outfit into a unique signature style. Don’t be shy. Allow your accessories to speak volumes about your individuality — without overdoing it.

Mix Up To Avoid Routine Styles

This is one fashion basic I’ve been guilty of numerous times. Particularly in the colder months when the effort feels like too much to ask of me. In the end, I unintentionally fall into a style routine that isn’t truly me. Often repeating outfits out of convenience or sheer overwhelm in front of a closet full of choices. I am convinced that this is for sure a situation many of us find ourselves in. All the time. But here’s the thing. What I have come to realise is that the key to breaking free from this unintended monotony lies in having a well-organised closet. Trust me I have experienced this in the past. And I can tell you this not only sparks creativity (and joy) but also allows you to explore the untapped potential of your entire wardrobe! Who knew I still had this sweater from 2004? Wow, I thought I’d lost this, and blamed it on my sister. Any of these thoughts come to mind? Ok good.

So, how do you now avoid this fashion déjà vu? Simple: To break the repetition, plan monthly style themes. Try dedicating weeks to specific styles, making mixing and matching easy. Now never underestimate accessories; they’re like the fairy godmothers of fashion, waving their wands and turning ordinary into extraordinary! Scarves, belts, or quirky jewellery can turn a basic look into something special. You should also regularly evaluate your wardrobe – every half year if you can. So that, if you stumble upon items that no longer align with your evolving style, chuck them away.

You can do that either by donating them to charity shops or selling them cheaply on websites like eBay or Vinted. This will not only help clear your physical space but also create room for new pieces that resonate more with your current taste. Meanwhile, think about what also influences what you shop and how you do it.

When you’re out shopping, envision how the potential purchase fits into your existing wardrobe. Treat your closet as your semi-furnished house, and you are the interior designer trying to re-decorate it with style combinations. You’d obviously get rid of things and themes that no longer represent your taste, right? So, weed out what doesn’t spark immediate joy. Mix and match it all up. Have fun, and let your wardrobe tell the ever-evolving tale of your fashion adventure.

Choose what accentuates your features

Always start with flattery! Thanks to social media, we’ve all seen how the same dress can look remarkably different on individuals of various sizes. This trend extends to celebrities donning runway outfits, where the ensemble might appear different on a model during a catwalk and on a celebrity with a different body type on the red carpet. I mean, have you ever seen someone wearing something just because Kate Middleton wore it, or Meghan Markle wore it and you thought, “Yes, it looked good on them and not on you!”. (Obviously without saying it out loud). Honestly, I think this is the reason why all of us— including myself —need to drill this in our minds. Fashion is a personal journey, and so you should always remember that what works like magic on one occasion might not be as enchanting on another.

Sometimes I look back at some of my outfits when in my 20s and think, what the hell was I thinking to wear that? And what flatters one person may not necessarily have the same effect on another either because we aren’t all built in the same way. Having ranted that, try to prioritise a dress code that not only catches your eye but also enhances your beautiful features and above all complements your unique body shape. There is no need for you to force yourself into clothing styles that will only leave you looking ridiculous like a clown at a funeral. Instead of just merely emulating a look you’ve seen on someone else, choose an attire that is a true reflection of yourself.

Know Your Ideal Brands

Over the years, one of the top fashion basics that has consistently worked wonders for me is understanding which brands suit my style. And this has been my shopping compass which has simplified the process of curating a wardrobe with items that feel right for my taste. If you’re into a minimalistic style, you’d want to know which brands to go for for a clean and modern aesthetic. But it’s not just about appearances. You also need to pay attention to the nitty-gritty details, like the fabrics used. For example, when exploring different brands, I tend to pay attention to the textures they offer. Do they lean towards rough or smooth fabrics? Are their materials coarse or fine?

Brands like COS, known for their focus on clean lines and sleek aesthetics, often incorporate smooth and fine textures, perfect for those of you who have minimalist preferences.

And don’t ignore sizing options. Size inclusivity is another crucial factor for you to think about when windowshopping for your signature brands. Because not all, offer everything. Some only cater for plus size bodies, then what are you to do if you’re petit? And some offer the opposite.

But the good news is, there are those that cater to a diverse range of sizes, making fashion more accessible and representative of all body shapes and sizes. So take the time to experiment with brands if you’re unsure which ones align with your style priorities.

And by the way, it shouldnt really matter whether expensive or not, just try to keep in mind your preferences that honestly, will make your life so much easier. In the end, that too will make your shopping, whether online or in stores, more efficient and enjoyable, while also fostering a sense of consistency in your fashion choices.

When in Doubt, Keep It Simple

As they say, simplicity should always be your best friend when overwhelmed with choices in your wardrobe. Go for clean lines and uncomplicated looks when you’re unsure of what to wear on any occasion. Because a simple outfit or accessory can be just as impactful in bringing out your personality. We all know the appeal of a classic white shirt paired with well-fitted denim, and embraced by fashion icons like Audrey Hepburn. This simple and timeless combination radiates chic and also, can easily transition from casual to semi-formal saving you a lot of time. Not forgetting Coco Chanel’s iconic little black dress, which stands as another exemplar of simplicity’s power in fashion. Always having a little black dress in your wardrobe serves as a quick and chic saviour when in doubt of what to wear. Throw in a fabulous standout accessory and you’re good to go! There is no need for you to overcomplicate things; just keep it simple like a penguin’s tuxedo!