Amazing Tricks To Help You Resist The Trap Of “Good” Deals

I recently wrote about some practical strategies that can go a long way in helping you save money this sale season. Now having revisited them, I have realised something important that I may not have dug deeper into. And that is, what if, despite knowing these strategies, you still can’t resist the trap of good deals? A good question indeed. And it’s a good question because the psychology of sales and discounts can be incredibly powerful. It’s good at tapping into our fear of missing out and our desire for immediate gratification. Even if you consider yourself a savviest of shoppers, you can still find yourself tempted by limited-time offers and perceived bargains. To conquer this you need some tricks up your sleeves.

Interestingly, the way we deal with irresistible sales deals is quite similar to how we handle food cravings. So here are some, smart shopping tactics for managing food cravings that you can borrow and apply to ‘sale’ temptations.

Be Present and Actively Mindful

I mean, why are you even buying this? When you’re tempted by good deals, you need to stop and observe your thoughts and responses. Be a detective (your own Miss Marple) and investigate your desire to want to buy something. Ask yourself questions like, why do I want this, How am I feeling right now? Is this a genuine need or just a momentary lapse in judgment? Once you go through this questioning and eliminate the culprits, you will appreciate making much healthier decisions which are what you need when resisting sale season temptations.

Use Delayed Gratification

Essentially, what this means is, that when you feel the urge to buy something, try to postpone the decision for some hours. This cooling-off period can help you reconsider if you really need something. How does this work you’re wondering? Well, by simply delaying gratification you can diminish the impulse of buying unnecessary things. What works for me for example when shopping online is, keeping items in my basket and letting them ‘marinate’ even with deals that say you have an hour to complete the order before the item is removed. And trust me, 99% of the time, I never place that order. For in-store shopping on the other hand, I look at an item and tell myself, I will come back later to get it. Guess what, only on a few occasions I have returned, and only because, this was something I had been looking for. If not, I never needed it in the first place.

Think About the consequences

Much like trying to lose weight to fit in that little dress. Imagine you’re on a strict diet and suddenly there’s a table full of delicious food in front of you. Do you risk it and gain 5 pounds undoing all your hard work? Similarly, think about how your spending affects your financial goals. Remember the last time you regretted buying something? It wasn’t a good feeling, was it? Are you eating into (pun intended) your savings or increasing your debt? Evaluate these end results before buying anything. And obviously, having some effective budgeting tips in your armoury can help you manage your finances and avoid any unnecessary spending.

Sunisadonphimai / Adobe Stock

Visualise The Rewards

Can you see them? If not picture the long-term benefits of not giving in to impulsive shopping. Just like visualising a healthier, fitter body can keep you motivated to stick to your diet, envisioning the rewards of financial discipline can keep you focused. Imagine a debt-free life, an amazing vacation, or the peace of mind that comes with a healthy savings account. These images can be powerful motivators to resist the allure of unnecessary purchases and are important for controlling shopping temptations that come your way.

Change Your Shopping Habits

Another useful trick to resist the trap of good deals is changing your approach to shopping. Just like you might avoid keeping junk food in the house to reduce temptation, avoid going to the mall numerous times a week. Unless that’s the only route home. But in any case, go around it. That’s because frequent visits to places like malls, the high street or your local shopping centre can tempt you to spend impulsively. Instead, if you’re tempted to go hang out at the mall, try to find some alternative activities to fill your time and reduce the urge to shop. Go sit in a park for example, and soak in some nature. Engage in some hobbies and other activities that don’t revolve around consumerism. Keeping busy like this will help you deal with shopping cravings and make mindful shopping strategies more effective.

Choose To Own Only Quality Items
Diet, bondage and delayed gratification concept with woman hand reaching for a muffin while her hands are tied together with measuring tape a symbol of dieting and self control.

Victor Moussa / Adobe Stock

Owning quality items does not necessarily mean acquiring an expensive taste. But rather, focusing on building a wardrobe with durable, timeless pieces. Much like choosing nutrient-dense foods over empty calories. And when you invest in quality, you tend to reduce the urge to buy frequently and ensure whatever you buy is more meaningful and long-lasting. Again, just like a well-balanced meal can keep you full for longer, high-quality clothing for example can satisfy your style needs for years, reducing the need for constant updates. This strategy helps particularly if you’re trying to shop on a budget. In the end, they’ll promote your financial discipline during any sales season!

Apply these strategies and soon you’ll be an expert at seeing through all those sales tricks. Ultimately, you’ll be able to resist the trap of “good” deals, make more mindful purchases, save money, and enjoy the financial freedom to achieve your goals.

Good Luck!