Privacy Policy

Table of Contents


Welcome to Chic Chui. For the purposes of this document, Chic Chui may be referred to as “we”, “our”, or “us”. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. As you navigate and interact with our content, we pledge to maintain and protect the privacy of our esteemed readers and visitors. This Privacy Policy outlines the mechanisms through which we gather, process, and potentially share your personal information, strictly adhering to the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Information Collection

a. Direct Interaction: Whether it’s subscribing to our newsletter, commenting on our content, or contacting us for inquiries, you might provide personal details such as your name, e-mail, and occasionally, address.

b. Automated Data Gathering: As you use our platform, certain data might be automatically collected. This includes:

  • IP address
  • Device type and specific identifiers
  • Browser type and version
  • Operating system details
  • Referral sources and URLs
  • Actions taken on our site, such as pages viewed
  • Access timestamps

c. Cookies and Other Trackers: To refine our platform and provide a more personalised user experience, we use cookies and similar technologies. More insights on this can be found in our Cookie Policy.

Use of Your Information

Your data aids us in:

  • Enhancing and personalising your experience on Chic Chui.
  • Delivering content or products that align with your interests.
  • Responding to feedback, comments, or any inquiries you make.
  • Sending updates and newsletters, if you’ve given consent.
  • Analysing user behaviour, site performance, and upcoming trends.
  • Maintaining the security and integrity of Chic Chui.

Information Sharing

We venerate the trust you place in us, ensuring we never sell your personal data. However, in certain situations, we might share some information:

  • Third-party Affiliates: We might collaborate with other vendors, consultants, and service providers who assist us in enhancing our platform and services. They might receive certain data, but always within the bounds of strict confidentiality and purpose limitation.
  • Legal Compliance: In cases where we are mandated by law or believe that sharing is necessary to protect our rights or comply with a legal procedure, your data might be disclosed.
  • Mailchimp and Newsletters: We utilise Mailchimp, a renowned third-party email marketing platform, to manage and send out our newsletters. When you subscribe to our newsletter:
  • Your email address and any other information you provide during subscription will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing in accordance with their [Privacy Policy]( and [Terms](
  • Mailchimp uses various technologies to enhance the user experience and gather data regarding how our newsletters are opened and read. This includes the use of cookies and other tracking technologies, which can provide data like whether an email was opened, which links were clicked on, the recipient’s IP address, browser/OS type, and other related details.
  • If you wish to opt-out of our newsletters, every email provides an ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom. Clicking this link will remove you from our mailing list, ensuring you no longer receive further communications from our end through Mailchimp.

Your Rights and Preferences

As a UK resident:

  • You’re entitled to access and rectify your personal data.
  • You can restrict or oppose our data processing practices.
  • Data portability can be requested. – At any point, where you’ve previously given consent, it can be retracted.

Security and Data Retention

We store personal data only as long as it’s necessary for its intended purpose or as mandated by law. Although we employ the latest technological measures to shield your data, no online interaction can guarantee complete security.

Chic Chui may occasionally feature links to third-party websites. While we aim for collaborations with trustworthy entities, we can’t be accountable for their content or privacy measures.

Policy for Minors

Chic Chui is not designed for children below 13. Any unintended collection of data from children under this age will be deleted immediately upon discovery.

Policy Modifications

We might make updates to this policy as our platform evolves. We advise our users to periodically review this document for any changes.

Get in Touch

For any uncertainties, suggestions, or issues concerning this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us at

By using Chic Chui, you consent to the practices described in this policy. We thank you for your trust and readership, and pledge to uphold the highest standards of privacy and transparency.